Home Breaking News Gurugram News: Electricity failure in Sector-82-83 for ten hours

Gurugram News: Electricity failure in Sector-82-83 for ten hours


Manesar. Thousands of families in Sector 82 and 83 of the city remained troubled throughout the night due to power supply being disrupted for 10 hours continuously on Monday.

The supply in both these sectors had come to a halt at 8.30 pm due to wire breakage. Residents of Vatika Enviro allege that people remained disturbed throughout the night, but Enviro officials did not listen. People said that the supply remained completely stopped till quarter to six in the morning on Tuesday.

To resolve the problem, the residents kept contacting Enviro employees, but no satisfactory response was received from them. On the other hand, when Enviro officials were talked to, it was told that a wire had broken at one place, due to which power supply could not be done. Enviro officer Surendra Yadav said that electricity supply for Sector 82 and 83 here is from Garhi Harsaru.

Many times such problems arise due to long distances and laying underground cables. The cable gets damaged while building new roads or when common people dig pits for their facilities. Which takes a lot of time to find out. Dialogue



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