The officers include Priyanka Soni, Dhirendra Khadgata, Shalin, Amna Tasneem, Ajay Singh Tomar, Dharmendra Singh, Ritu, JK Abhir, Ram Kumar Singh, Sushil Kumar, Manoj Kumar and Shakti Singh.
The Haryana government on Tuesday promoted 1995 batch IAS officer Vijayendra Kumar to the grade of chief secretary and appointed him as additional chief secretary. The promotion will be effective from January 1. Also, the government has promoted 2000 batch IAS officer Pankaj Agarwal as principal secretary, which will be effective from January 1. Besides, Agarwal’s batchmate Nitin Yadav, who is on central deputation, has been granted proforma promotion.
Along with this, the Haryana government has promoted seven IAS officers of the 2009 batch to the super time scale. These officers will now work as commissioners and secretaries. These officers include Yash Garg, Pankaj, Mani Ram Sharma, Sujan Singh, Ashok Kumar Garg, Monica Malik and Mukesh Kumar Ahuja. Another officer of this batch, Sharandeep Kaur, who is on central deputation, has also been promoted.
The government has also granted selection grade to 12 IAS officers of the 2012 batch. These officers include Priyanka Soni, Dhirendra Khadgata, Shalin, Amna Tasneem, Ajay Singh Tomar, Dharmendra Singh, Ritu, JK Abhir, Ram Kumar Singh, Sushil Kumar, Manoj Kumar and Shakti Singh.
Apart from this, seven IAS officers of the 2021 batch have been granted senior time scale. Such officers include Lakshyat Sareen, Narendra Kumar, Nisha, Sonu Bhatt, Vishwajit Chaudhary, Vivek Arya and Yash Jaluka.