Keeping security in mind, Gurugram Police will run a special campaign in Gurugram. During this, Rohingya Bangladeshis living illegally in Gurugram are being investigated mainly. If anyone is found living illegally, strict action will be taken against him.
Gurugram News: Gurugram Police has started a campaign to arrest Rohingyas and foreign nationals living illegally in Gurugram adjacent to Delhi. On Friday, several teams of Gurugram Police investigated the people living in slums. Their verification is also being done so that the police can prepare its records.
Keeping security in mind, Gurugram Police will run a special campaign in Gurugram. During this, Rohingya Bangladeshis living illegally in Gurugram are being investigated mainly. If anyone is found living illegally, strict action will be taken against him.
During the special campaign, the police is conducting special checking campaigns in various places such as slums, colonies, hotels. During this, action is being taken as per the rules against people living illegally in India. If during this time, anyone is found keeping a person in his house without police verification, then an FIR will be registered against him as per the rules.
Gurugram Police appeals to everyone to get police verification done of their tenants, workers, hotel workers. So that criminals and people living illegally can be easily identified. If any suspicious person is living near you, then immediately inform the Police Control Room on 112 or your nearest police station.