Gurugram. Manesar police station has arrested three Bangladeshis on Sunday night. Bengal Aadhar cards have been recovered from them. During interrogation, it was found that they had got fake Aadhar cards made for Rs 8000. All three are siblings. They came to India one and a half years ago and earlier lived in Maharashtra. They came to Gurugram one and a half months ago and were living in a rented house in Manesar.
The report was also sent to the Home Ministry
A young woman was working in a spa here. The police was informed about this young woman roaming around Manesar square on Sunday evening. When the police caught the young woman and questioned her, her identity was revealed. After that, her sister and brother were also caught by the police. At present, the three are being questioned in the police station. Information about this has also been sent to the district administration and the Home Ministry.
Three accused arrested while plotting robbery in Sohna
On the other hand, in another case, the Sohna Crime Branch team arrested three accused standing under the railway bridge on Old Sohna Alwar Road on Saturday night while they were plotting a robbery. Illegal weapons were also recovered from them.
Crime Branch in-charge Sub Inspector Satya Prakash said that the team had received information from an informer that three people were standing with the intention of looting. On this, the team reached the spot and took action.
All the three accused were arrested. They were identified as Shahid, resident of Kharkhari village of Nuh, Irfan, resident of Ghasaeda village, and Mohd. Parvez, resident of Kishanganj, Bihar. An illegal pistol, cartridges, a stick, two bikes and a torch were recovered from them. After interrogating the accused, a case was registered against them in Sohna city police station.
Theft was done from Sohna area
During police interrogation, it was found that out of the bikes recovered from the possession of the accused, one bike was stolen by Mohd. Parvez from Sohna area and another bike was stolen by Parvez and Irfan together from Sohna area. Shahid informed that he had committed one theft incident from Madhya Pradesh and one theft incident from Gurugram. A case related to theft is registered against Shahid in Nuh and a case under Arms Act is registered in Gurugram. All three will be presented in the court on Monday.